Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Observation and reflexion on blogging

I was just reading Carla's words on this post<http://groups.yahoo.com/group/blogging4educators/message/997> which took me back to my first post in my blog. I compared learning to blog with watercolour painting. I said it was a question of learning to observe things around, to watch carefully into and through things, nature, people, colours, highlights that change along the day. Well, I'm happy because it seems I was right.

Carla says: " One point that you mention and that I'm always saying it out loud is the
fact that blogging is about habit. Educators and learners just don't start blogging. It takes time to find your voice and your pace. Mine is still a hoarse voice, but I'm there, revealing myself and learning more about myself and my teaching style. It's about an encounter with your inner voice that sometimes you didn't even realize it was there. It's funny because that nowadays little facts that happen around me call my attention and I keep thinking to myself, "oh, this could turn into a nice blog post!" or "oh, I HAVE to blog this! I can't just see this and keep quiet". Time is always an issue for us, but still not an excuse for not trying it and seeing how it feels. Yes! As you said, we need to be passionate to inspire our students!"

The main difference between watercolour painting and blogging is that for watercolour you use paints and brushes to express you rideas and thoughts, whereas for blogging we must go round words and thoughts, words and thoughts, which means reflexion in our own learning, until it becomes a habit. The cycle is endless, observation, awareness of the subtleties of communication, of our emotions, the intricansies of interaction, the discovering of 'the other', the reader, the user, the learner's needs, then searching for the appropriate language to express ourthought, to communicate effectively, purposely, to be able to engage others in that endless thread. It's amazing!

Thank you Carla for sharing you learning experience. I think you are a very
able communicator!

A warm hug from Small, but Beautiful Misiones!


Maria Martha Espindola said...

Voila! At last! ¡POR FIN!
Sorry, for not having been able to write comments on your beautiful and creative blog!
I have been wanting to tell you how much I loved to see your colourful paintings and to express the pleasure that reading your posts give me.
But I couldn't figure where to click so as to open this window that I finally got to open.
Congrats on this creation of yours!
Your friend, ma.ma.

Carla Raguseo said...

Dear Vicky,

I love your post. I think it is amazing to see how our words echo each other's ideas. I also feel identified with Carla's reflections and find your watercolor painting a wonderful metaphor of the blogging process. I especially like your summary of the blogging cycle:

"The cycle is endless, observation, awareness of the subtleties of communication, of our emotions, the intricansies of interaction, the discovering of 'the other', the reader, the user, the learner's needs, then searching for the appropriate language to express ourthought, to communicate effectively, purposely, to be able to engage others in that endless thread."

Thanks for contributing you unique colors to the group.


Carla R.

Nina Lyulkun said...

I completely agree with both comments of Maria Martha and Carla R. I always learn from you very much and really impressed with your Vicky blog and this posting. Carla A. as many of the group is exactly a born communicator, teacher, learner and dear friend. I would say that she is a great psychologist in a sense .
Dear Vicky, thanks a lot for the great job you are doing and sharing your wonderful ideas and works.
Stay happy and the best of luck!

Nina Lyulkun

Nina Lyulkun said...

I am really not an able communicater, though. ;-(