Saturday, 26 January 2008

Let's start with my gallery

Hello everyone! I just want to start reflecting on what is watercolour painting for me. Well, I think you'll be able to understand from your own experience.
You know that one importat skill we develop as teachers is the ability to observe our students. After some years of practice you are able to see whether each one of them is having a problem, is going well or will need some extra help, don't you? It's a sort of mother's sixth sense we develop.
Painting requires the developing of similar observation skill. But you should be able to keep quiet for a while to feel nature, either still or alive. So, you see, anyone can paint, or start painting, provided you're ready to devote some time to studying, observing, going into things around you.

For example, the painting "En el monte"which is shown here, is just some peices of wood, ferns and fungi I brought home one day. I collected them, arranged them in, we could say a composition, and started drafting what I had in front of me. Finally, when I was sure of the final layout, I searched into my watercolour and brush box for the most suitable tools I had. It took me two week ends to finish it, because, like many of you, I'm a mother of two adolescences and I work the whole week.
Well, I do hope some of you dare to take the plunge and start watercolour painting sometime.

Let's start with my gallery

Hello everyone! I just want to start reflecting on what is watercolour painting for me. Well, I think you'll be able to understand from your own experience.

You know that one important skill we develop as teachers is the ability to observe our students. After some years of practice you are able to see whether each one of them is having a problem, is going well or will need some extra help, don't you? It's a sort of mother's sixth sense we develop.

In the same way, painting requires the development of similar observation skills. But you should be able to keep quiet for a while to feel nature, either still or alive. So, you see, anyone can paint, or start painting, provided you're ready to devote some time to studying, observing, going into things around you. You must become aware of contrating colours, shades, textures, visual composition, that is the equilibrium of the elements you choose to portray. And you must be able to imagine a new world from that observation, as well!

For example, the painting "En el monte"which is shown here, it just came out from some pieces of wood, ferns and fungi I brought home one day. I collected them, arranged them in a way that, let's say a composition, and started drafting what I saw. Finally, when I was sure of the final layout, I searched into my watercolour and brush box for the most suitable tools I had. It took me two week-ends to finish it. It is not just a simple question of copying things like a photograph, it's an inner communication with your visual perception and the spirit, the feelings and sensations that as a painter you want to transmit.

Well, I do hope some of you dare to take the plunge and start watercolour painting sometime. Blogging will also reveal us a new world of communication.

Friday, 25 January 2008

Hello dear friends, today I want to share with you some photos of my watercolour production. This first picture represents my love for the sea, and its mysterious nature. Sea shells are the most representative creatures of the sea context. Children and adults alike enjoy gathering them on the beach. And I love observing them, trying to grasp their secrets.
Sea shells grow in different sizes and shapes, they keep the secrets of the seas inside. Their suggestive colours and shape inspired me to paint these pictures. in the year 2001.
Ferns and fungi, on the other side, bring us the mystery of the forest. 'El monte', as we call it in Misiones, is as inspiring as the sea for me. Collecting bits from the woods or the sea makes you believe you can grasp nature in some way, well, painting is also a way of keeping nature alive, bringing it home with you, isn't it?
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Thursday, 24 January 2008

Today I've added some links that will take you to famous Galleries and painters' blogs. I do hope you enjoy the beauty and freshness that watercolour transmits. Just let your imagination go and think about Shakesperare's words:

"We are such stuff
As dreams are made on, and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep."

Watercolour gives painters the possibility of dreaming while the watery colours flow from the brush into the paper.

Enjoy the journey into the Galleries!

Links to Art Galleries around the world

Today I've added a new element to my blog. I've searched for Art Galleries or painters' blogs where watercolour has a prominent space, so that you will be able to make a tour around the world and see beautifull pieces of art.

Wednesday, 23 January 2008

Let's get started

Dear all, this is a project work for EVO 2008, Blogging4Educators, so this blog will be my travellingroute towards the acquisition of social networking, for pedagogical purposes. On the first week, I've met some people with whom I can share common interests like watercolour painting, travelling andteaching English! and I found that coincidence as a blessing to start communicating with themaround the world.

I do hope to have the contribution from watercolour lovers and painters so as to foster and enhance our knowledge of art, at the same time we'll be strenthgening human fraternity around the world.

Starting to learn about blogging

Dear all, this is a project work for EVO 2008, Blogging4Educators. So this blog will be my travelling route towards the acquisition of Social Networking for pedagogical purposes.

On the first week I've met some wonderful people with whom I can share common interests like watercolour painting, travelling and teaching English!

I found that coincidence as a blessing to start communicating wiht them around the world.

I do hope this journey becomes a turnover in my teaching life!

Tuesday, 22 January 2008


"We are such stuff
As dreams are made on, and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep."

Shakespeare's The Tempest, Act 4, Sc. I

Bajo el mar I- Acuarela- año 2000