Friday, 25 January 2008

Hello dear friends, today I want to share with you some photos of my watercolour production. This first picture represents my love for the sea, and its mysterious nature. Sea shells are the most representative creatures of the sea context. Children and adults alike enjoy gathering them on the beach. And I love observing them, trying to grasp their secrets.
Sea shells grow in different sizes and shapes, they keep the secrets of the seas inside. Their suggestive colours and shape inspired me to paint these pictures. in the year 2001.
Ferns and fungi, on the other side, bring us the mystery of the forest. 'El monte', as we call it in Misiones, is as inspiring as the sea for me. Collecting bits from the woods or the sea makes you believe you can grasp nature in some way, well, painting is also a way of keeping nature alive, bringing it home with you, isn't it?
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