Saturday, 26 January 2008

Let's start with my gallery

Hello everyone! I just want to start reflecting on what is watercolour painting for me. Well, I think you'll be able to understand from your own experience.

You know that one important skill we develop as teachers is the ability to observe our students. After some years of practice you are able to see whether each one of them is having a problem, is going well or will need some extra help, don't you? It's a sort of mother's sixth sense we develop.

In the same way, painting requires the development of similar observation skills. But you should be able to keep quiet for a while to feel nature, either still or alive. So, you see, anyone can paint, or start painting, provided you're ready to devote some time to studying, observing, going into things around you. You must become aware of contrating colours, shades, textures, visual composition, that is the equilibrium of the elements you choose to portray. And you must be able to imagine a new world from that observation, as well!

For example, the painting "En el monte"which is shown here, it just came out from some pieces of wood, ferns and fungi I brought home one day. I collected them, arranged them in a way that, let's say a composition, and started drafting what I saw. Finally, when I was sure of the final layout, I searched into my watercolour and brush box for the most suitable tools I had. It took me two week-ends to finish it. It is not just a simple question of copying things like a photograph, it's an inner communication with your visual perception and the spirit, the feelings and sensations that as a painter you want to transmit.

Well, I do hope some of you dare to take the plunge and start watercolour painting sometime. Blogging will also reveal us a new world of communication.

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