Saturday, 26 January 2008

Let's start with my gallery

Hello everyone! I just want to start reflecting on what is watercolour painting for me. Well, I think you'll be able to understand from your own experience.
You know that one importat skill we develop as teachers is the ability to observe our students. After some years of practice you are able to see whether each one of them is having a problem, is going well or will need some extra help, don't you? It's a sort of mother's sixth sense we develop.
Painting requires the developing of similar observation skill. But you should be able to keep quiet for a while to feel nature, either still or alive. So, you see, anyone can paint, or start painting, provided you're ready to devote some time to studying, observing, going into things around you.

For example, the painting "En el monte"which is shown here, is just some peices of wood, ferns and fungi I brought home one day. I collected them, arranged them in, we could say a composition, and started drafting what I had in front of me. Finally, when I was sure of the final layout, I searched into my watercolour and brush box for the most suitable tools I had. It took me two week ends to finish it, because, like many of you, I'm a mother of two adolescences and I work the whole week.
Well, I do hope some of you dare to take the plunge and start watercolour painting sometime.


Carla Raguseo said...

Dear Vicky,

Thanks for sharing your creative process with us!

It's interesting to see that art and teaching have so many things in common. You've mentioned the importance of observation, discipline, perseverance and a lot of passion!

I see you've embraced blogging with the same enthusiasm!

I really like painting and love going to museums and art galleries, but I've never attempted to paint anything after high school. It's definitely something I should try soon.

BTW, who are your favorite painters? I love Van Gogh and the impressionists.

Till the next visit :)

Best regards,
Carla R.

Natasa said...

Dear Vicky,
I love your paintings. And thank you for all those cool links.
Painting is a talent I definitely don't possess, but I enjoy looking at a good painting. I have tried writing, though.
I will certainly visit your blog again.